User Fee Studies

Pioneering transparency and integration for optimal revenue outcomes.

Proven user fee solutions that drive revenue optimization for robust financial outcomes

MGT’s expert consultants, armed with advanced financial models, delve deep into the cost structures of government and non-government services, facilitating the precise determination of fair and legally defensible user fees. Our studies extend well beyond the surface, scrutinizing subsidy levels and projecting the far-reaching impact of fee adjustments, ensuring long-term financial sustainability.

But what truly sets MGT apart is our seamless integration of user fee studies into our comprehensive suite of services, offering agencies a multifaceted approach to revenue enhancement. Our organization-wide revenue assessments provide agencies with an all-encompassing view of their financial landscape, offering diverse perspectives that maximize revenue recovery.

3 Essential Considerations Regarding User Fees

1. Structure Analysis

Conduct a thorough cost structure analysis for the services you provide. This includes identifying all direct and indirect costs associated with delivering a service to determine its true cost.

2. Fair and Defensible Fee Determination

Determine fees that are fair, transparent, and defensible. This involves considering the cost analysis, market conditions, and the ability of users to pay while ensuring compliance with regulations.

3. Revenue Impact Assessment

Assess the potential revenue impact of fee changes. This involves conducting revenue forecasting to understand how adjustments to user fees may affect overall revenue and financial sustainability.

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