Financial-as-a-Service (FaaS)

Empower your school district’s financial future.

All the financial services you need, all in one place

A school district’s path to success is rooted in a strong financial foundation to operate effectively. Our team of former school district leaders provides full business and financial services through staff augmentation and independent fiscal reviews. Whether it’s navigating budget development or tackling issues arising from declining enrollment, we’re here to assist. Explore our array of financial solutions tailored to meet your unique needs.

Financial Solutions

  • Multi-year projections
  • Trend analysis
  • Forecasting and reporting
  • Budget development
  • Year-end closing
  • Professional development
  • CBO, director, and group training
  • Technical staff and district-wide management team training
  • Staff augmentation and Interim solutions
  • Enrollment projections
  • Position control
  • Staffing ratios
  • Efficiency studies
  • Attendance initiatives
  • Data analysis
  • Maximizing UPC/UPP
  • LCAP forums
  • Budget committees

MGT provides expert support in securing vital funding for your organization’s projects. Our team of experts work closely with you to identify opportunities, craft compelling proposals, and navigate the application process. We align your submissions with funding agency requirements and highlight your organization’s strengths, increasing your chances of success.

Unlocking Your Financial Health Report Card

MGT offers tailored analysis and forecasting models to optimize school funding, customized to meet your unique needs. Our services encompass:

Gain insight with a comprehensive dashboard covering key enrollment, funding, expenses, and fiscal health metrics.
Benefit from our expertise; we collaborate with top-performing and struggling schools alike to provide unique perspectives and timely assistance.
Anticipate future challenges with forecasts on enrollment, funding, costs, and facility needs, ensuring informed decisions for sustained growth.

Solutions to Optimize Performance

Markets We Serve

Featured Team

Vice President

Financial Solutions Group

Vice President

Financial Solutions Group

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