High-Quality Instructional Materials

Ensure your school leaders and teachers have the knowledge and skills to implement instructional materials with integrity.

Providing educators with materials that are essential to fostering engagement and student success.

These high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) shape teacher actions and student learning, leading to enhanced performance. Research confirms that HQIM surpasses traditional resources, offering lasting benefits for student achievement. MGT excels in identifying and implementing HQIM, ensuring educators maximize these resources to elevate student learning.

Helping Teachers Teach

Our first step in implementing high-quality instructional materials is an analysis of the existing curricular resources. We examine these materials against established educational standards to evaluate their effectiveness. This involves ensuring curricular resources align with standards, are accurate and engaging, accessible to all students, and user-friendly for teachers. Our evaluation aims to improve learning outcomes for all students and cultivate their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

After thorough analysis, we empower leaders and teachers to implement instructional materials through professional development, ongoing support, and building capacity. We also foster collaborative networks to connect educators, share best practices, and support continuous improvement.

Our support is tailored to the context of each school, focusing on internalizing HQIM for informed instructional decisions, planning instruction and cycles based on student data, teaching skills aligned with HQIM assessments, and facilitating collaborative planning through HQIM-aligned protocols and coaching.

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