District Leader Development

Equipping district leaders to teach and model inquiry-based processes to facilitate data-driven school transformation.

We are passionate about continuous improvement efforts.

Districts play a powerful role in helping schools engage in data-based inquiry, requiring purposeful collaboration within and between schools. MGT fosters collaborative partnerships with district leaders to design, deliver, and implement priorities. We understand educators achieve ambitious goals by focusing on systems designed around people. Our change management starts with relationships, identifies student-centered goals, and continues with the design, implementation, and refinement of evidence-based practices.

When working with district leadership – 

We do:

Seek to ease administrative burdens and collaboratively solve problems as they arise.
Actively support and promote your vision, while advocating for your teachers and students.

We don’t:

Criticize leadership; we operate from a strengths-based point of view.
Think we know it all; in fact, we know we have a lot to learn.

How We Support
District Leaders

Collaborative school improvement focuses on practices rather than programs. MGT encourages a lasting mental shift that emphasizes the transformation of districts and schools without prescribing specific actions. This is made possible by:

Building and maintaining school-district partnerships.
Engaging district leaders in meaningful collaboration.
Cultivating data-driven improvement practices.
Providing professional learning that is engaging and impactful.
Offering coaching models that support teaching and learning through job-embedded professional development.

Solutions to Transform Your School

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Senior Vice President

Education Transformation

Senior Vice President

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Education Solutions

Lead Improvement Specialist

Education Solutions

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Extraordinary Outcomes?

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