
Elevate Education, Empower Growth

Transforming Teacher Development, One Step at a Time

Ed Thrive is a comprehensive, web-based platform designed to foster collaboration between instructional coaches and teachers, driving both teacher development and student achievement. With a focus on growth and impact, Ed Thrive equips schools and districts with the tools they need to monitor and enhance their coaching systems effectively.

Key Features of

  • Track instructional coach utilization
  • Monitor teacher growth and development
  • Assess the impact of coaching on student achievement
  • Schedule and organize coaching visits
  • Keep detailed notes of coaching conversations
  • Provide meaningful feedback to teachers
  • Track time spent and measure coaching impact
  • Self-assess skills and development areas
  • Track progress on skills mastered
  • Upload and receive feedback on instructional videos
  • Share and access educational resources

Want to Dive Deeper?

Reach out to our team today to learn more!