MGT selected by Lynchburg City Schools in Virginia to Develop its Educational Master Plan

MGT Education partners with clients to ensure that every student has access to a high-quality education as they discover and realize their profound potential.

TAMPA, Fla., February 1, 2023
― Lynchburg City Schools (LCS) selected MGT to partner with its leaders to evaluate its educational programming offerings, cast a vision for the program’s future, and determine if the existing facilities are adequate to meet the program needs. This educational master plan is the next critical step in helping inform LCS’s long‐term facilities master plan.

Working with LCS leadership, MGT’s PK12 Education Consultants will assess the ability of current LCS facilities to support future instructional approaches and develop an implementation strategy for program adjustments, additions, and deletions. The team will also assess LCS’s existing strategies related to instructional programming, including Pre‐K, Gifted, and Schools for Innovation, special education, and alternative education, and make recommendations for future approaches.

The team will facilitate a long‐term vision for the physical design and location of school buildings and their role in LCS’s future – considering instructional, social‐emotional, and developmental strategies, sustainability, federal and state legal requirements, and family and neighborhood engagement. The plan will consider opportunities for schools to include closing, building new, repurposing, combining, or modernizing, adjusting attendance boundaries, and identifying future school sites.

In addition, we will create a student assignment strategy to promote the whole child’s development (including instructional, social‐emotional, and developmental) needs, which also meets state and federal legal requirements, promotes family and neighborhood engagement, and improves transportation efficiency.

Lynchburg City Schools serves 8,000 children and families in central Virginia and this project continues to support its mission: Every Child, By Name and By Need, to Graduation and Beyond.

About MGT 

MGT is a leading social impact and performance solutions firm that delivers organizational, financial and technology services and products to state, local, education, and technology clients across the U.S. and abroad. Over the last several years, MGT has expanded education and technology offerings with the addition of Davis Demographics, EH&A (Eric Hall & Associates),  Kitamba, Ed Direction, Cira Infotech, and Layer 3 Communications. Leveraging a near-half-century track record and reputation, MGT’s industry experts partner with thousands of public agencies to provide trusted solutions that improve business and economic performance to help communities thrive. Visit us at or find us on social media.