Enhancing Cybersecurity for Schools and Libraries: The New $200 Million Pilot Program

One in three school districts have experienced cyberattacks, according to a recent study by the Consortium for School Networking. This alarming statistic highlights the urgent need for cybersecurity measures in our educational institutions. In response to growing cybersecurity needs, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has introduced the Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at bolstering the digital defenses of schools and libraries across the nation. 

This pilot program will allocate up to $200 million over a three-year period to selected participants. Schools, libraries, and consortia of these institutions, including regional or statewide groups that meet the E-Rate program’s eligibility requirements, can apply. Importantly, applicants do not need to be current or former E-Rate program participants. 

 The program offers reimbursement for a variety of cybersecurity services and equipment, including: 

  • Advanced/Next-Generation Firewalls 
  • Endpoint Protection 
  • Identity Protection and Authentication 
  • Monitoring, Detection, and Response 

 A comprehensive list of eligible services and equipment can be found on the FCC’s website.  

Application Process

To apply for this program, applicants must complete and submit FCC Form 484. This form will gather detailed information about the applicant’s cybersecurity needs, proposed project details, and compliance with the program’s eligibility requirements. The FCC is expected to open the application window this Fall 

The FCC will select participants from various backgrounds, including large and small, urban and rural schools, and libraries. Special emphasis will be placed on proposals from low-income and Tribal applicants.   

For those selected to proceed, the FCC will require more detailed information about their current cybersecurity posture, historical cyber threats, training policies, and specific challenges faced. 

Final participants will undergo a competitive bidding process and submit requests for services. Upon approval, they’ll receive a Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL). Following the start of services, participants can request reimbursement from the program and make necessary adjustments to their funding requests. 

Preparing for the Application 

Schools and libraries are encouraged to start preparing before the application window opens by: 

  • Registering: Obtain an FCC registration number, a Billed Entity Number (BEN), and ensure good financial standing with the FCC and federal government. 
  • Evaluating Needs: Assess cybersecurity vulnerabilities and determine the required services and equipment. Work with a company like MGT to assess these weaknesses and requirements. 
  • Consulting Resources: Utilize federal resources from the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency and the Department of Education for additional guidance. 

The Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program represents a significant step toward securing the digital infrastructure of educational institutions. By providing substantial funding and comprehensive support, the program aims to create a safer and more resilient online environment for students and educators alike. At MGT, we understand the intricacies of this new program and can help you better understand. We offer all the cybersecurity solutions covered under this grant. Contact us today for more information and to ensure your school or library is fully protected. 
