From Policy to Progress: How Senate Bill 127 is Transforming Early Literacy in Utah

In 2021, data showed that less than half of Utah’s third graders were reading at grade level, posing a significant challenge to their long-term academic success. In response, Senate Bill 127 was enacted in 2022 under the leadership of Senator Millner and Representative Last. This legislation prioritizes evidence-based reading instruction and provides funding for teacher training to enhance early literacy education. 

A key component of the bill focuses on community engagement, emphasizing teacher and leader training in the Science of Reading, increasing student access to books, and supporting families. By fostering strong family and community partnerships, the goal is to ensure that at least 70% of Utah’s third graders achieve grade-level reading proficiency by 2027. The Utah State Board of Education, local education leaders, principals, coaches, and teachers are actively implementing the bill’s strategies to drive meaningful progress in literacy development. 


Achieving the state’s goal of having at least 70% of 3rd-grade students reading on grade level by 2027 will require all stakeholders–including families, community members, teachers, and school leaders– to actively provide systematic, explicit foundational literacy instruction in the science of reading for students. A large undertaking for an already busy school system, MGT has partnered with the Utah Board of Education to offer a turn-key managed solution to Utah schools in need.   

This community engagement program consists of four cohorts, each receiving two years of support through monthly touchpoints focused on professional learning, communities of practice, collaborative planning sessions, and regional literacy events.​ The program is centered around the following three goals: 

Goal #1: Assess the assets and needs of each participating school’s community-school infrastructure.​ 

Goal #2: Train and coach participants to build capacity in both the Science of Reading and effective community, school, and family engagement.  

Goal #3: Provide necessary support for parent, community, and business engagement focused on the science of reading.​  

At the start of each cohort, participating schools will establish up to three unique, data-driven goals based on insights from their asset/needs assessments. These goals will be tailored to address the school’s specific literacy and family engagement needs, ensuring meaningful impact within their community. 

Since participation in this specific program is optional, participants are asked to self-nominate and may be a librarian, administrator, coach, social worker, teacher, or anyone in the school willing to champion a whole-school effort to engage families and community members in literacy development. Multiple participants from the same school are encouraged to participate together. ​The project will provide access to new learning and resources that have the potential to impact tens of thousands of Utah students. ​ 

By intentionally focusing on training school-based participants and providing resources that coordinators and families can use, MGT increases the project’s reach and establishes knowledge and practice that will continue long after the project ends. ​​ 



The project has already welcomed two cohorts with early results demonstrating high satisfaction, measurable progress, and a scalable model for expanding impact across the state. 

  • 100% of Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 participants agree or strongly agree that their involvement is improving family and community engagement in literacy at their schools. 
  • 100% of Cohort 1 participants submitted their Roadmap Interim Plan for the 2024-25 school year, aligning their efforts with school-specific data-informed literacy goals. 

Cohort 1: 

Cohort 1 schools have made significant strides in their literacy and engagement efforts, setting 22 school-specific goals. So far, 41% of these goals have been achieved, with another 41% on track for completion. A major milestone is that 100% of Cohort 1 schools hosted a Science of Reading Literacy Night or a data-driven literacy learning event. 

Notable School-Level Impact: 

  • 55% of schools are leveraging Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to refine literacy instruction and family engagement strategies. 
  • 44% of schools are enhancing communication with families regarding student literacy progress. 

Cohort 2:  

Cohort 2 participants are laying the foundation for long-term success, with 100% submitting a Roadmap with Family & Community Engagement SMART goals to guide their project work. Collectively, they have identified 27 school-specific goals, with 97% on track for completion.  

Notable School-Level Impact: 

  • 73% of schools are improving literacy communication with families. 
  • 73% of schools will host events to equip families with Science of Reading strategies. 
  • Some schools are expanding conference times for students needing additional support. 
  • One school is conducting a book study focused on best practices for family engagement.


Transforming Family Engagement: Model Literacy Nights 

A cornerstone of the initiative is the Model Literacy Night, designed to equip families with actionable literacy strategies through Science of Reading-based activities led by teachers. Cohort participants are invited to attend two model literacy nights per year (even if their school is not hosting) to learn how to run a successful event rooted in Science of Reading best practices. 

The first Regional Model Literacy Night at Liberty Elementary (11/7/2024) attracted over 230 attendees, including 115 parents and guardians, fostering a strong sense of community engagement. Ten community organizations participated, offering additional learning experiences and resources to support literacy development. The event featured free books, live music, and a local author read-aloud, while university students provided station support. A free meal was also offered to encourage participation and create an inviting atmosphere for families. 

Key outcomes from a sample of 80+ families who completed the survey: 

  • 97% of families agreed or strongly agreed they learned new strategies to support their students’ reading at home. 
  • 98% of families planned to use the literacy activities at home. 



Utah’s literacy initiative demonstrates that a well-structured, community-driven approach can significantly improve early reading outcomes. By equipping educators, families, and community members with evidence-based literacy strategies, this model fosters lasting engagement and systemic change. The early results—high participation rates, strong stakeholder satisfaction, and measurable progress toward literacy goals—highlight the program’s effectiveness. 

This strategy is not just a Utah solution; it provides a scalable framework that any state can adopt. The combination of targeted training, school-specific goal setting, and community engagement ensures that literacy efforts are sustainable and adaptable to different educational landscapes. With continued collaboration, states can leverage similar initiatives to empower students, strengthen school-community partnerships, and ultimately, build a foundation for lifelong learning success.