University of Georgia – Housing Comprehensive Plan

The University of Georgia engaged MGT to develop a University Housing Comprehensive Plan for University Housing’s entire bed inventory. The development of the plan placed emphasis on critical system renovations and programmatic updates to three 1960s-era high-rise residence halls. The objectives of the project included:

  • Developing system wide plans for community and academic support spaces to foster residence life program and academic initiatives.
  • Evaluating the feasibility of constructing new beds that maintain affordable housing options for students.
  • Furnishing sufficient beds to manage the First Year Live-On Requirement and returning student demand during the years of the high rise renovation project.
  • Upgrading existing housing inventory as much as practical with emphasis on comfort, security, affordability, accessibility, space functionality, and appearance. Developing a long-term (15-year) plan for renovations/upgrades system wide and new construction.

The project methodology included market research, demand estimation, facilities condition assessment and review, and financial analysis. Drawing on findings from the situational analysis, internal and external market research, and facilities assessment and review, MGT estimated demand for housing during the 15-year planning period, outlining our assumptions and parameters for those projections.