University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff – Strategic Plan

The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) desired a comprehensive plan to guide the University over the next five years reflecting its commitment to academic excellence in meeting the changing needs of students served. MGT conducted UAPB’s strategic planning process in five phases. Throughout each phase, MGT worked closely with an appointed Strategic Planning Committee comprised of faculty, staff, students, administrators, and community representatives. MGT conducted a very comprehensive environmental/SWOT analysis that included collecting both quantitative and qualitative data from a diverse group of internal and external stakeholders. MGT then utilized the results of the environmental scan and other input gathering as the basis for conducting a series of facilitated sessions and meetings to reach consensus on mission, vision, values, and strategic priorities. The strategic priorities served as the framework for developing strategic goals, objectives, and implementation strategies included in the strategic plan that was prepared by MGT.

MGT developed UAPB’s five-year strategic plan, which was a public declaration of its priorities and principles; a statement of accountability; and direction for the future. With the plan’s development, a vision of the future was formulated and the University’s strategic priorities and goals were determined. Upon completion of the strategic plan, MGT provided implementation assistance with all phases, including working closely with the Chancellor and UAPB Implementation Team to develop the structure processes and systems to effectively monitor and manage the implementation process.