Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library – Strategic Plan

The Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library (SSJCPL) received a grant from the California State Library to undertake a strategic planning process to develop a comprehensive plan geared specifically toward the diverse communities served by the Library. MGT assisted the Library with developing its strategic plan. The MGT team worked with the Library Strategic Planning Team to develop goals, objectives, and strategic priorities. The planning process included conducting a series of community forums throughout the County to elicit feedback on areas in which the public perceives a greater need for services from the library system. MGT facilitated and administered telephone and online surveys to obtain input from users of library resources.

The Library’s Three-year Strategic Plan describes how it – along with SSJCPL staff, partners, and residents – will move into the future. The Plan is shaped with the understanding that change is a fact of organizational life, and the Library will remain flexible and adapt its goals as warranted. At the same time, it remains steadfast in its mission and vision and will maintain core values. As the Library moves forward it will measure everything against its mission and remain focused on serving its community and customers.