Portsmouth Public Schools, VA – Disparity Study

MGT conducted a Procurement Disparity Study for Portsmouth Public Schools (PPS). The purpose of the study was to determine whether there was disparity between the number of minority- and women-owned businesses (M/WBEs) that are ready, willing, and able to provide contract services and the number of M/WBEs who are actually providing these same types of contract services with PPS. The study included a legal review; a review of policies and procedures; the assessment and collection of data, an analyses of market area, utilization, availability and disparity; anecdotal, regression, and private market analyses; a review of the effectiveness of race- and gender-neutral remedies, the identification of narrowly tailored race- and gender-based remedies, and the development of draft and final reports.

MGT reviewed the utilization of M/WBE firms in the contracting of PPS’s goods and services for prime and subcontracting. Qualitative data was gathered through surveys, hearings, and interviews. MGT recommended the establishment of a Minority and Women Business Enterprise Program. Recommendations included the establishment of project specific goals, expanded outreach to M/WBE firms, include at least one M/WBE firm in the solicitation of small or informal purchases, and the establishment of Commercial Anti-discrimination rules. The results of the analyses assisted in aspirational goals.