Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis – Student Housing Study

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis engaged MGT to conduct a student housing market demand study to identify current and future on-campus housing needs. The University contracted with MGT in an effort to quantify the need for additional housing and develop a timeline for introduction of new facilities that would ensure filling existing and new beds. Additionally, MGT considered the impact of a freshman residency policy on campus housing. The study was initiated to address several goals:

  • Increase residential capacity.
  • Increase variety and use of dining facilities.
  • Enhance academic support and retention.
  • Verify demand to ensure beds will be filled.
  • Determine appropriate price points for existing and future housing.

The study included a review of current bed capacity and configurations, rental rate history, enrollment projections, student input through on-site focus groups to gauge their interest and preferences for living on campus, as well as the local rental market options available to students. Current and future demand estimates were developed along with price parameters by unit type. Analysis of data and student input indicate a strong demand for student housing, including a considerable impact on the demand for on-campus housing, which would be realized with the addition of a freshman residency policy.