Florida State University College of Medicine – Impact Assessment

MGT was engaged by the Florida State University College of Medicine (FSU COM) to conduct a socio-economic impact assessment of the College. The project provided an update of the 2010 socio-economic impact report (previously developed by MGT) to document the important contributions of the FSU COM over its entire 15 years of existence. 

The MGT team analyzed data related to FSU COM graduates, their residency practice areas, and locations (with a particular focus on primary care practice); state population trends (particularly among older residents); and the institution, student, and visitor expenditures in the area surrounding each FSU COM regional campus. Test scores and satisfaction ratings of FSU COM students were compared to national averages. Trends in donations, including private gifts to the University, and research awards were analyzed to measure the impact of the College on the State of Florida, and its contribution to the University’s revenue.

MGT’s analysis confirms that FSU COM continues to provide a high-quality instructional program and has graduated a total of 910 students (many of whom choose to practice in Florida and in primary care). FSU targets prospective students from underserved regions and prepares all students to address the needs of medically underserved populations. Our team documented the favorable impacts FSU COM has had on the institution itself. The study reflected the dynamic environment in which the COM operates, including its growing research portfolio, recent development of residency programs, and plans for a new Physician Assistant degree program.