City of Burbank, CA – SB90 Cost Claiming

Article XIIIB, Section 6 of the State Constitution requires the State to reimburse California’s local agencies for costs incurred via compliance with specific mandated programs. Reimbursable departments and programs include law enforcement, public health, elections, and city clerk functions. The City reached asked the subject matter experts at MGT to provide a turn-key approach to the state mandated cost claiming process. The scope of requirements varies with each city. In the case of Burbank, their objectives included:

  • Maximizing reimbursement for mandated programs.
  • Ensuring all eligible programs are filed.
  • Ensuring all State deadlines are met.
  • Filing all claims in accordance with claiming instructions and forms.
  • Reducing field audit risk.
  • Improved tracking of costs, payments, documentation and support of claims.
  • Providing easy access to a complex process.
  • Understanding the legislative impact to reimbursement.

The City of Burbank truly benefited from MGT’s approach to maximize the amount of state reimbursement through SB 90 claiming, while making the entire process simple for city management and staff. In the area of State mandate cost claims, MGT professionals offer the best, most experienced consulting staff, as well as the highest level of service available.

MGT was able to fulfill all requested objectives. California local government agencies are being asked to provide more services with fewer resources than at any other time. Our team knows its in the best interest of each agency to maximize the opportunities for revenue generation and retain methods for protecting revenue received. With a managed claim process and other important implementation, general fund revenue generation can be significant.